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April 24, 2011

Click here to read a short history about our Italian convention.

February 12, 2011

Dear friends, with great pleasure I can say that we’ll have our Italian Convention.

All the project is confirmed.

On April 16-17, 2011, we’ll spend 2 days in the wonderful Cervia (RA), Italy, speaking about music very close to the sea.

Giorgio and Anna, the Hotel Rudy’s owners, will welcome us in their accomodation and the Crazy 4 Pat will astonish us Saturday night with the Pat Benatar songs.

Everything at the price of 50,00 euros per person in double room, 60,00 euros in single room, including 1 night + breakfast + 3 meals (lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday lunch).

There will be a small charge for the rental of the amplification system to be divided among all particitants.

If you want to book, please, contact directly Hotel Rudy at the following e-mail address: .

At the same time, please, send an e-mail to just to let me know about your reservation. 

See you soon in Cervia ! 

Luca Ansaldo


Dear friends, I’d like to inform you about the possibility to explore on Sunday morning, between the breakfast and the lunch, a very interesting and naturalistic area.

It’s a guided visit on the boat to the Cervia’s saline with a duration of two hours (10.30 – 12.30).

The price is 8,00 euros per person.

For further information. check out the site (Centro visite salina di Cervia).

If you want to share this experience and  in the way to make sure to have the place (there are only 2 boats of 30 people), you can send me an e-mail within Friday 8 April, to book the visit.

See you in Cervia.

Luca Ansaldo


October 19, 2010

Hi friends, I have the pleasure to announce that, thanks to the "Crazy 4
Pat", Pat Benatar's tribute band from Rome, we are organizing in Italy a
Pat Benatar's fan convention.
Here is in brief what we propose:
2 days at the Hotel Rudy in Cervia (RA)  Saturday and
Sunday, April 16-17, 2011.

The price per person is 50,00 euros in double room, 60,00 euros in single
room, including 1 night + breakfast + 3 meals (lunch and dinner on
Saturday and Sunday lunch).
Saturday night:  show with "Crazy 4 Pat "  .
There will be a small charge for the rental of the amplification system to
be divided among all participants.
Anyone can bring friends and family. Furthermore, the convention is open
to Pat Benatar's fans belonging to other nationalities.
To allow a reduction in costs everyone will be involved, helping closely
Giorgio and Anna (the Hotel Rudy's owners) with the same atmosphere that
you can find between friends.
Now we are waiting for your adhesions that will be basic to realize
Only when we'll reach the right number of positive answers, the program
will be finally confirmed.
You have to send the adhesion to this e-mail address:
, writing name and number of participants.
You must remember that the adhesion is not binding but it's important to
give us an idea of how many we can be to realize the convention.
And now it's your turn. I'm waiting hopeful for your answers.

Luca Ansaldo

Crazy 4 Pat



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