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Tour Photos Link Rewiew >> GO: reviews

GO  August 12, 2003  Bel Chiasso label

Review by G. Vernon (Seattle, WA USA)


 When Pat Benatar shook off the music industry in the 90s (according to press: to focus on her family) she unfortunately managed to shake off a lot of fans. For me there was a lot of exciting music coming from female rockers at the time and it was a mild but not earth-shattering loss. I heard that she released a blues album and a torchy vocals album and it sounded like she was all over the map.

Now that I've owned and listened to "Go!" for over a year, I can say without reservation that Pat Benatar's is one of the most assured and welcome returns to form that I've ever heard. It seems to me that everything I ever liked about Pat Benatar (I've been a fan since 1980) is here, and then some.

The great choruses, the vocals that range from a growl to a soaring falsetto, the superb guitar work from Giraldo, all of it is here. It's a completely valid album with only a couple soft points. But I rate it 5 stars because within the context of Pat Benatar's entire catalog it's easily one of the most consistent and appealing releases she's made. Just the song "Go" on it's own speaks for the entire experience- defiant vocal on a rock song that puts the newcomers to shame and reminds us all why we liked rock music in the first place.

Pat's got no drive to be Shirley Manson or Alanis Morrisette or to compete with Avril Lavigne for the title of "Rock grrrll" (?? whatever). She's just released the most solid Pat Benatar album in a long line of solid Benatar releases. If like me you can still put on "Crimes of Passion" or "Precious Time" or "Seven the Hard Way" and really enjoy the listen then this is a smart buy for the collection.


Review by Graboidz (Westminster, Maryland)

Thank God Pat Benatar is still putting out new material. Just take a look at the top female vocalists today; Hillary Duff, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears??? They all have the longevity of a popcorn fart, and will be forgotten in two or three years. Benatar's stunning vocals and pop-metal edge has lasting impact, and her music has strong legs.

"Go" has Benatar returning to her rock roots, and overall is one her best albums in over a decade. The opening title track, "Go" simply rocks out. Catchy chorus, great guitar riffs make "Go" an instant classic. "Brave" may be my favorite tune on the disk, with a great chorus, and Pat's amazing vocals all backed by a really cool rhythm. Most of the songs on this disk feature Pat at her best. "Go" does have one clunker in the tune "Out of the Ruins", not quite sure what they were going for but it misses the mark.

The rest of the CD is stellar though, and if you are a fan of the older stuff, "Crimes of Passion", "Get Nervous" etc. then you should really pick up this disk. As a bonus listeners get a 13th track "Christmas in America". This song will definately take a high place on your Christmas Mix CD. It's a heartwarming little Christmas song that really ends the cd on a great note.

I hope Pat doesn't stop at this, her 17th album, the music scene really needs great female vocalists who aren't voted into stardom through some stupid reality TV show!

 The song Girl from Summer Vacation Tour Dvd (2001).


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