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Tour Photos Link Rewiew >> Giving our evidence

This page is dedicated to the evidences of the fans who wish to share emotions, experiences or feelings that in some way the Pat Benatar music has excited.

Who wants to add materials in this context can expressly ask, sending everything by mail with text, photos and videos.

Here is the very long evidence of Sandrine Raspau, historical fan of Pat, webmaster of the french site dedicated to Pat Benatar: 

 I live not far from you in Eyguières near Marseille ( just near Avignon ).
In the " alpilles" ( that's little mountains ) that's very touristic
there. I'm 36 ( soon 37 ) and I'm maried and mother of 2 girls : Esther 4 
years old and Bérénice 5 months. I'm a salewoman in foodservice. I visit 
my clients which are restaurants and cantines. I'm in this company for 15 
years. That's my life.
I have been a big fan of Pat since 1982 when I first heard Heartbreaker and  fell in love with this song. Yes I was only 12 !! My aunt who was then 17 made  me hear her. Then as soon as I had a bit of money ( after several months of saving ) I went to the shop to buy her record. The salesman told me that there was a new record and that it was better to buy that one . It was Get Nervous. I was fascinated by the cover of this album and bought it. I never regretted it because I loved this record too. Then I loved all her records. You know I'm extremist : I only listen to Pat's music and never listen to anything else. I agree with you and I really loved the cover of Tropico too and had a big poster in my room when I was a teenage. I've sent you a photo when I was 18 with my twin sister Caroline. I was me who smoke ( it's finished now !! ). AS you can see, I had some posters of Pat. But you can't see all the walls :-)
Regarding Tropico,  I was disappointed by this record because Pat's music wasn't the same : it was a radical change of music and was so disappointed. Today again it is my least favorite record. We belong was too smooth as compared to the Hard Rock music she used to do.


Oh, I forgot to tell you about her concert of 1983. So 1983 Grenoble ( I used to live there, I was born there and all my family are still there ). In January I wasn't 13 . And my mother didn't want to let us ( my sister and I go to her concert). Pat only did 4 dates in France in 1983 and one of them was Grenoble !! Why ? Grenoble was a small town ( 300 000 inhabitants) as compared to Lyon or Marseille ( 1 million ). So Pat came in my town, what a luck !! But my mother didn't allow us. I must say that she was right because we were a bit young. Even now I'm still angry with my mother about that and I still keep telling :-)
Then in 1993 my husband and I went to Canada and the United States on vacation. But as there wasn't any internet at that time we couldn't know if Pat was touring or not. Then in 1999, we made a trip to California. And before going I asked a friend who had internet to check if there was a concert of Pat. It has been my dream since 1983 to see her in concert. My friend saw that there was a show in Salt Lake city at the time we would be in California. So we took a plane LA-SLC to see her. It cost us a lot of money ( including the tickets on the first row ) but it didn't matter it was my dream. After the show I went running backstage. Pat was a bit afraid when she saw me but Neil seemed to be happy to speak with a fan. I told them that I came from France. And Neil told me that he saw that I knew all the lyrics of the songs ( I was on the
first row).
I forgot to tell you about the concert in Salt lake city. I was surprised when Pat entered the stage : I couldn't reconize her. She had long blond hair. The last time I saw a picture of her, it was the cover of Innamorata ( she had short brown hair ). The second surprise I had was a song that she sang. It was wuthering heights !! I couldn't believe that she could sing that song. It was the song ( Pat's version naturly ) I chose for the church at our wedding. But my husband didn't recognize
the song :-(
Pat sang very well. I wasn't disapointed.

Since the end of 1999, I have had
internet : the revolution came in our house. Our lives was transformed !!
I could see as many photos of Pat as I wanted. I had spent my teenage searching desperately for a picture of Pat in the French magazines which didn't mention Pat very often. What a surprise to discover all those things on the internet about Pat, and back in 1999 , there wasn't as many things as
I subscribed to the American fan-club and was so happy to communicate with people who loved Pat like me. In France, I had never met anyone
who knew Pat. My friends were too young ( like me ) to know her music.
Then the American fan-club organised a "Pat fest" during the summer 2000 in Tunica. So, I decided ( and my poor husband didn't have the choice ) to visit Louisiana as to see her in concert.

Then I met via the internet a French fan who lived in Singapore : Philippe Mulhem. He taught me, only by email, how to create a website. What patience he had !! We spent hours and hours creating the first French site Again today, I'm still  grateful !! Merci Philippe.
Before going to Tunica I was in contact with Pat's manager : John Malta. I planned to see a show in Beaumont Texas before going to Tunica. John Malta organised a meet and greet between Pat and me in Beaumont. Then I saw her for " the second time" . The first time I could really speak to her.
Then Tunica. There was the Pat's fest. I could meet all the fans and the members of the fan-club. There was a meet and greet to win, and I won !!So I could meet her for the second time. Then I had new autographs !! The problem is that I couldn't understand when she spoke to me because I'm not very good at English. I was so disappointed not to understand her.
Then our trip in Louisiana ended very badly  : a few days later all our luggage and money were stolen in a hotel room in Monroe Louisiana. Then it became hell for the rest of our holidays. Without money the United States were less beautiful. Since that , we have  never been again on vacation like that, unplanned.

Then I had 2 ( beautiful :-) girls and I have less time to look after my site and the French fan-club. I am still a big fan and I still listen only to her music. I make my girls listen to it too. They know who Pat Benatar is.

I am waiting for a concert in Europe. I would be so happy to see her again



The first evidence comes from Andrea (Milan Italy) with the recent trip across the ocean to see Pat:

September 19  2009

Ciao Luca, it's a pleasure to receive your mail !

Well, yes, I did it: in August 30 I saw Pat ( and Neil) on stage, for the first time in my life.

I felt an absurd emotion:  I was really on edge.  The seats were fantastic (second row) and the location wasn't unfortunately crowded, but Pat was extraordinary, at least in my opinion.

She's in good form, slim and quick. But the thing that between the others struck me was, obviously, the voice: untouched and unchanged in whole her power and in her shades.

It was a great evening, that I was waiting for decades.

I send the link of the video I did, with not a very good quality (unfortunately I had my cellphone...) but it can offer the right atmosphere.

I see that the European performances are disappered.

I'm so sorry for this.

See you soon.


Here we are in 2012 with the great review of Patrice Adamczak from France, who reached United States just to enjoy Pat and Neil in several gigs.

 Le 11 aout, changement de décor, un soleil de plomb au Six Flags Great Adventure , un parc d'attractions genre Parc Astérix mais en plus ... grands 8. C'était journée relâche dans la tournée, par chance ce concert est booké en plein New Jersey à Jackson. le Rock'n Roll étant présent partout aux Etats Unis, il est fréquent de voir des groupes jouer dans les Fairs , des comices agricoles/fêtes foraines de cantons, ou dans ce type de park, l'entrée au concert est comprise dans l'entrée du parc. Le concert est programmé à 19h , nous arrivons une heure avant, les Américains nous ferons mentir, la file d'attente structuré est déjà conséquente, pas grave nous les connaissons bien les Américains , ils vont se précipiter sur les places assises dans cette arène qui ressemble à une plaza de toros. Bi...

ngo nous seront à gauche au premier rang pour prendre des photos. Juste devant Neil, mais avec un contre jour pénalisant pour Pat, tant pis on fera avec. 19h pétante ça démarre, Pat vêtue comme la veille, seul changement, le noeud rose est noir ce soir. l'ambiance est différente ce soir , et la proximité ajoute à l'excitation, les anecdotes seront les mêmes que la veille, c'est rôdé.


1h10 de show, 3 morceaux en plus So Sincere, River of Love et trop méconnu Everybody Lay Down en rappel , sorti en pleine période Grunge, et qui 10 plus tôt aurait cassé la baraque, moment très fort. Toujours pas de Hell grrrrrrrrrrrr. ils le joueront 3 jours plus tard avec l'inédit Cry for Love, qui sera ensuite remplacé par Disconnected, ce qui gonfle un peu le show en tête d'affiche.
Malgré la magie de l'endroit, 1h10 c'est court, trop court, à titre de comparaison Loverboy qui jouaient eux aussi en solo au Canada ont joués 1h30 ce qui est le minimum syndicale. La raison je ne la connais pas , Hell est t'il trop exigeant au niveau de la voix ? 1h30 est ce aussi trop long ? si ils viennent en Europe, comme le laisse entendre Neil, si c'est en tête d'affiche il va falloir remédier à cela, sinon ... ça va faire des frustrés. avec cette proximité le tendresse entre nos deux tourtereaux était vraiment palpable dans les gestes et les regards.
Ceci clôturera notre 3ème Rendez vous avec Pat et Neil, toujours un très bon moment , mais frustrant au niveau de la durée.

PS : le 12 nous recroiserons un Italien au concert de Boston à Bethlehem, PA qui était aussi présent à Wantagh , et qui avait franchi l'atlantique pour voir Pat entre autre.

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