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Tour Photos Link Rewiew >> BBKingConcerts July 2011

B.B. King Blues Club  New York City

July  11-12, 2011


Under the effect of cabernet.

Two concerts with Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo at the mythical B.B. King Blues Club in New York City are a chance too desirable to be lost. So I prepare myself physically and mentally for 5 days of full immersion in the life in U.S.A., being for the first time a guest in a American family, the Mastrogiulio family.

I knew Mastrogiulio sisters 3 years ago exactly at B.B. King and I was positively perturbed for their kindness.

This year they have honoured me with their hospitality, transforming my short vacation as a typical solitary tourist, engaged in covering miles and miles along the Manhattan streets, in a member of their family.

“Mia casa è tua casa” (My house is your house) their mother always said in perfect sicilian accent. Strange, but I never heard nothing similar in Italy. And it’s really bizarre to find out how much I’m for one reason more american than Mastrogiulio sisters and how much for another reason they are more italian than me.

But project ourselves directly inside the B.B.King in front row with the table attached to the stage and with the unfailing glass of cabernet in my hand. After a long wait the excitement is sky-high. And here is Mick Mahan arriving on stage that, before shouldering the bass, rush to clasp my hands. Is it possible that he remembered me after so much time ?

After some songs Pat hints at the presence in the club of “familiar faces” pointing at our table. What’s more Neil never get tired with smiling and winking at us. But were all real sensations or maybe was the effect of a rather powerful cabernet ? The two nights elapse without obstacles with the Pat’s voice at the top, a voice that doesn’t seem to know temporal limits.

After the second concert, unexpectedly, the drummer Chris Ralles with a bottle of beer and Mick Mahan with a glass of red wine (maybe cabernet that at this point justifies everything !) joint us. The two members of the band will spend with us half an hour with great satisfaction of everyone. Moreover the kindness and the willingness are integrant part of their nature.

Maybe because at this point we stay between old friends, Mike, Natalie, Harold, Robin, Debra, Diane and Anna Marie. Thank’s to all of you.

Now speaking about a playlist is secondary compared to the happyness to see all of you again and, by the way, that cabernet... in the midst of that whirling of emotions I can’t remember very well its taste... maybe I’ll have to come back !!


                                                                                                      Luca Ansaldo






Mick Mahan



Chris Ralles




Diane Mike AnnaMarie Natalie Debra


(Photo Natalie Jones)






Footing with Anna Marie before the departure.

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