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Video e Canzoni >> The Harry Chapin Tribute


Ciò che noi siamo dipende spesso da incontri decisivi che avvengono nel corso della vita.
Quello che accadde nel 1975 con Harry Chapin fu per Pat Benatar un incontro cruciale.

In quel periodo Pat si esibiva in piccoli pub come cantante di cabaret. Harry le propose di partecipare ad un provino per “The Zinger”, un musical originale che lui compose. Lei si aggiudicò la parte di Zephyr. L’intero cast trascorse un breve periodo nella casa di Harry a Long Island ed il musical andò in scena al P.A.F. Theatre in Huntington.

Chapin è stato un cantastorie, un troubadour dei tempi moderni ed un compositore di favole con un profondo insegnamento morale. Ma soprattutto è stato un riformatore sociale ed un instancabile sostenitore di cause umanitarie. In particolare prese parte alla Commissione Presidenziale per la fame nel mondo.

In una sua dichiarazione Pat sostiene: dire che Harry Chapin sia stato un grande uomo sarebbe un’affermazione troppo modesta. E’ possibile trovare ulteriori informazioni sul sito ufficiale della famiglia Chapin

Nel video sottostante viene realizzato un incontro virtuale tra Pat Benatar ed Harry Chapin nel suo capolavoro “Shooting Star”, che la stessa Pat interpretò al Tribute Concert del 1987 al Carnegie Hall.     

Shooting Star
by Harry Chapin

He was crazy of course
From the first she must have known it
But still she went on with him
And she never once had shown it
And she took him off the street
And she dried his tears of grieving
She listened to his visions
She believed in his believe-ins

Oh, he was the sun burning bright and brittle
And she was the moon shining back his light a little
He was a shooting star
She was softer and more slowly
He could not make things possible
But, she could make them holy

He was dancing to some music
No one else had ever heard
He'd speak in unknown languages
She would translate every word
And then when the world was laughing
At his castles in the sky
She'd hold him in her body
Till he once again could fly

Oh, he was the sun burning bright and brittle
And she was the moon shining back his light a little
He was a shooting star
She was softer and more slowly
He could not make things possible
But, she could make them holy

Well, she gave him a daughter
And she gave him a son
She was a mother, and a wife,
And a lover when the day was done
He was too far gone for giving love
What he offered in its stead
Was the knowledge she was the only thing
That was not in his head

He took off East one morning
Towards the rising sun's red glow
She knew he was going nowhere
But of course she let him go
And as she stood and watched him dwindle
Much too empty to be sad
He reappeared beside her saying,
" You're all I've ever had"

Oh, he was the sun burning bright and brittle
And she was the moon shining back his light a little
He was a shooting star
She was softer and more slowly
He could not make things possible
But, she could make them holy





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